Athletics day at school.

Last Friday at school we had athletics day!. We had an athletics day on the field and under Te kapua. When I got to school my class room was already open so when I  inside Miss Davis said to each and every student “go get dressed” so we all went running down the corridor and a teacher obviously told us to not run down the corridor but by the time he said it we already reached the  bathroom. After we got dressed we went to class  then we put some sunscreen on and we all lined up at the door and walked to the first thing we did and that thing was jumping on this like a big bouncy ball but it was like a balloon and it couldn’t pop so we had to pick up a small bean bag in a net. The next one we did was hurdles so there were orange hurdles and we had jump over them and when we got to the end a lady tells us thing to do like put your finger on your nose and when we do it we had to run back and high five another person and they do the hurdles the third one that we did was the high jump

So they put cones on the ground and there were two lines. One of the lines was right handed people and left handed people so we jumped over a pole and landed on a soft blue bag. After that we did boot throwing and for that we had to throw a boot in hula hoops swento the first one gets you 2 point the second one gets you three points and the third one is a cone and if you knock it over you get four points the fourth one was rob the nest it’s when you get some small bean bags from a hula hoop and you have your own hula hoop and then when all of the small bean bags out of the hula hoop we run and get everybody else’s small bean bags. In between robbing the nest Gene’s team was only taking my team’s bean bags and my team said to her team “why are you only taking our’s you have everybody else’s and you chose ours!”.

The last and final one was sprinting! It was very enjoyable and I was in the finals.

It was the most fun athletics day.


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